This edible amaranth is also called Chinese Spinach, it has green leaves with red stripes in the center leaf. The plant produces a high yield of tender leaves and grows vigorously in warm temperatures. Amaranth will tolerate hot, dry and moist conditions but will not thrive in cold temperatures. It is rich in iron and calcium.
⦁ Grows well in warm weather
⦁ Maturity: Approx. 35 - 60 days
⦁ Planting season: Late spring/ early summer
Cultivation: Prepare fertile, well-drained soil. Sow seeds in late spring/early summer after last frost in a warm, sunny location. Can be sown by broadcasting and thinned during growth. Keep soil moist. Do not use nitrogen fertilizer, as it will accumulate excess nitrates. The leaves and stems are best when harvested young and can be grown as microgreens.
Please note: Maturity, adaptability and disease tolerance may differ under your specific climate and/or growing conditions.
Culinary tips: Popular in Indian dishes. Use in stir-fry, soup, and fresh in salad. Can be prepared like spinach.
More than 750 seeds in packet. (A seed will vary in weight and size within a given seed lot. The number of seeds stated is only an estimate.)
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